


nCurrentReturnCode  ERRORLEVEL([<nNewReturnCode>])
lResult             FT_LINKED( <cString> )
NIL                 FT_RESTSETS( [ <aOldSets> ] )
aOldSets            FT_SAVESETS()
<lOldState>         FT_SETCENTURY( [ <lNewSetState> ] )
cString             GETENV(<cEnvironmentVariable>)
nKbytes             MEMORY(<nExp>)
lError              NETERR([<lNewError>])
cWorkstationName    NETNAME()
cOsName             OS()
CurrentSetting      SET(<nSpecifier>, [<expNewSetting>], [<lOpenMode>])


Function FT_LINKED()

 FT_LINKED( <cString> ) --> lResult

This function would be used in data driven application to determine whether or not a macro compiled function was linked in.

Several functions can be passed, and nested, in <cString>.

Caveat: Some function calls are converted by the preprocessor into other function calls. You cannot have these types of functions in a macro compiled string as they never exist at runtime. FT_LINKED will correctly tell you that they are invalid.

For instance: there is no function called SORT() in any of the Nantucket LIBraries, but it is a valid CLIPPER command because the preprocessor will convert it to other function calls.

Function FT_RESTSETS()

 FT_RESTSETS( [ <aOldSets> ] ) --> NIL

This function "restores" the SET Settings, i.e., it sets them to the values in the array aOldSets. The following SETs are not currently supported: FILTER, FORMAT, FUNCTION, INDEX, KEYS, MODE, ORDER, PROCEDURE, RELATION, TYPEAHEAD

Function FT_SAVESETS()

 FT_SAVESETS() --> aOldSets

This function saves the SET Settings, i.e., it copies them into an array, aOldSets. The following SETs are not currently supported: FILTER, FORMAT, FUNCTION, INDEX, KEYS, MODE, ORDER, PROCEDURE, RELATION, TYPEAHEAD


 FT_SETCENTURY( [ <lNewSetState> ] ) --> <lOldState>

This function returns the state (ON/OFF, TRUE/FALSE) of the CENTURY and optionally sets it ON or OFF.