INT() Convert a numeric value to an integer
ISALPHA() Determine if the leftmost character in a string is alphabetic
ISCOLOR() Determine if the current computer has color capability
ISDIGIT() Determine if the leftmost character in a character string is a digit
ISFIELD() Checks if a varialbe name is a field name of DB.
ISFUNCTION() Checks if a varialbe name is a function name.
ISLOWER() Determine if the leftmost character is a lowercase letter
ISMEMVAR() Checks if a varialbe name is a memory variable name.
ISPRINTER() Determine whether LPT1 is ready
ISUPPER() Determine if the leftmost character in a string is uppercase
L2BIN() Convert a xClipper numeric value to a 32-bit binary integer
LASTKEY() Return the INKEY() value of the last key extracted from the keyboard buffer
LASTREC() Determine the number of records in the current .dbf file
LEFT() Extract a substring beginning with the first character in a string
LEN() Return the length of a character string or the number of elements in an array
LIKE() Check confirmity string to simple mask.
LOAD() Load byte-code file or dynamic library.
LOADBLOCK() Load byte-code file.
LOG() Calculate the natural logarithm of a numeric value
LOWER() Convert uppercase characters to lowercase
LTRIM() Remove leading spaces from a character string
LUPDATE() Return the last modification date of a database (.dbf) file
MAKEPATH() Returns path to file in UNIX style.
MAP() Create new empty object (associative array)
MAPGET() Get value from associated array by its key. If specified key is not found, value <defVal> is returned.
MAPKEYS() Under construction
MAPMODIFY Include/exclude control mode for attributes changing.
MAX() Return the larger of two numeric or date values
MAXCOL() Determine the maximum visible screen column
MAXROW() Determine the maximum visible screen row
MCOL() Determine the mouse cursor's screen column position
MDBLCLK() Determine the double-click speed threshold of the mouse
MEMOEDIT() Display or edit character strings and memo fields
MEMOLINE() Extract a line of text from a character string or memo field
MEMOREAD() Return the contents of a disk file as a character string
MEMORY() Determine the amount of available free pool memory
MEMOTRAN() Replace carriage return/linefeeds in character strings
MEMOWRIT() Write a character string or memo field to a disk file
MEMVARBLOCK() Return a set-get code block for a given memory variable
MEMVARGET() Returns MEMVAR value.
MENUMODAL() Activate a top bar menu
MHIDE() Hide the mouse pointer
MIN() Return the smaller of two numeric or date values
MLCOUNT() Count the number of lines in a character string or memo field
MLCTOPOS() Return the byte position of a formatted string based on line and column
MLEFTDOWN() Determine the press status of the left mouse button
MLPOS() Determine the position of a line in a character string or memo field
MOD() Return the modulus of two numbers
MONTH() Convert a date value to the number of the month