8.4. Localization

Localization of CLIP application includes localization of display devices, keyboard, string constants and embedded functions.

Display devices are console, terminal, terminal emulator. One can execute their localization by standard for OS means, i.e. font loading, terminal localization by burning the BIOS, or by loading a special display/keyboard driver.

In the case of scan-mode keyboard layout and encoding are made up by means of creating keymap-file and generation on its base file - description for CLIP's builtin keyboard driver.

Some clipper-functions (such as upper,lower,isalpha, isdigit) have national features - pseudographics, weight coefficients for string indexing and comparison etc. Utility $CLIPROOT/bin/gen_tbl is intended for creating the file - description of national features of that functions. For the more details see Localisation chapter.

CLIP has special setting for the using DBF data by different users with different charsets simultaneously:


or in the command form:

set dbf charset to cp866

where cp866 is name of tbl-file with national features description.

May be so that data stored in DBF with one charset, program operates in another and client displays in third (see above about terminals).

There is possibility to set charset used by printer too:


or in the command form:

set printer charset to cp866

CLIP compiler stores all string constants defined as [string_data] at the $CLIPROOT/locale.pot subdirectories. So there is possibility for all these constants to make the translations for another languages.

At run time CLIP application reads environment variable LANG and then gets appropriate constants from $CLIPROOT/locale.po subdirectories.