


nFields             AFIELDS([<aFieldNames>], [<aTypes>], [<aWidths>], [<aDecimals>])
cAlias              ALIAS([<nWorkArea>])
lBoundary           BOF()
lSuccess            BROWSE([<nTop>], [<nLeft>], [<nBottom>], [<nRight>])
NIL                 DBAPPEND([<lReleaseRecLocks>])
NIL                 DBCLEARFILTER()
NIL                 DBCLEARINDEX()
NIL                 DBCLEARRELATION()
NIL                 DBCLOSEALL()
NIL                 DBCLOSEAREA()
NIL                 DBCOMMIT()
NIL                 DBCOMMITALL()
NIL                 DBCREATE(<cDatabase>, <aStruct>,[<cDriver>])
NIL                 DBCREATEINDEX(<cIndexName>, <cKeyExpr>, [<bKeyExpr>], [<lUnique>])
NIL                 DBDELETE()
NIL                 DBEDIT([<nTop>], [<nLeft>], [<nBottom>], <nRight>], [<acColumns>], [<cUserFunction>], [<acColumnSayPictures> | <cColumnSayPicture>], [<acColumnHeaders> | <cColumnHeader>], [<acHeadingSeparators> | <cHeadingSeparator>], [<acColumnSeparators> | <cColumnSeparator>], [<acFootingSeparators> | <cFootingSeparator>], [<acColumnFootings> | <cColumnFooting>])
NIL                 DBEVAL(<bBlock>,[<bForCondition>],[<bWhileCondition>],[<nNextRecords>], [<nRecord>],[<lRest>])
cAlias              DBF()
cFilter             DBFILTER()
NIL                 DBGOBOTTOM()
NIL                 DBGOTO(<xIdentity>)
NIL                 DBGOTOP()
NIL                 DBRECALL()
NIL                 DBREINDEX()
cLinkExp            DBRELATION(<nRelation>)
nWorkArea           DBRSELECT(<nRelation>)
lFound              DBSEEK(<expKey>, [<lSoftSeek>], [<lLast>])
NIL                 DBSELECTAREA(<nArea> | <cAlias>)
cCurrentDriver      DBSETDRIVER([<cDriver>])
NIL                 DBSETFILTER(<bCondition>, [<cCondition>])
NIL                 DBSETINDEX(<cOrderBagName>)
NIL                 DBSETORDER(<nOrderNum>)
NIL                 DBSETRELATION(<nArea> | <cAlias>, <bExpr>, <cExpr>)
NIL                 DBSKIP([<nRecords>])
aStruct             DBSTRUCT()
NIL                 DBUNLOCK()
NIL                 DBUNLOCKALL()
NIL                 DBUSEAREA( [<lNewArea>], [<cDriver>], <cName>, [<xcAlias>], [<lShared>], [<lReadonly>])
<cPath>             DefPath()
lDeleted            DELETED()
ValueInverted       DESCEND(<exp>)
nOsCode             DOSERROR([<nNewOsCode>])
lBoundary           EOF()
nFields             FCOUNT()
nErrorCode          FERROR()
bFieldBlock         FIELDBLOCK(<cFieldName>)
ValueField          FIELDGET(<nField>)
cFieldName          FIELDNAME/FIELD(<nPosition>)
nFieldPos           FIELDPOS(<cFieldName>)
ValueAssigned       FIELDPUT(<nField>, <expAssign>)
bFieldWBlock        FIELDWBLOCK(<cFieldName>, <nWorkArea>)
lExists             FILE(<cFilespec>)
<aSelected>         __Fledit( <aSrc>, <aList>)
lSuccess            FLOCK()
lSuccess            FOUND()
nBytes              HEADER()
cExtension          INDEXEXT()
cKeyExp             INDEXKEY(<nOrder>)
nOrder              INDEXORD()
nRecords            LASTREC() | RECCOUNT()*
dModification       LUPDATE()
cTextBuffer         MEMOEDIT([<cString>], [<nTop>], [<nLeft>], [<nBottom>], [<nRight>], [<lEditMode>], [<cUserFunction>], [<nLineLength>], [<nTabSize>], [<nTextBufferRow>], [<nTextBufferColumn>], [<nWindowRow>], [<nWindowColumn>])
cString             MEMOREAD(<cFile>)
lSuccess            MEMOWRIT(<cFile>, <cString>)
lError              NETERR([<lNewError>])
cBagExt             ORDBAGEXT()
cOrderBagName       ORDBAGNAME(<nOrder> | <cOrderName>)
NIL                 ORDLISTADD(<cOrderBagName> [, <cOrderName>])
nRecords            RECCOUNT() | LASTREC()
Identity            RECNO()
nBytes              RECSIZE()
lSuccess            RLOCK()
nWorkArea           SELECT([<cAlias>])
lDbfOpen            USED()
<nCode>             WEIGHTASC(<sString>)
<sTable>            WEIGHTTABLE()


Function AFIELDS()

  AFIELDS([<aFieldNames>], [<aTypes>],
 [<aWidths>], [<aDecimals>]) --> nFields

AFIELDS() is an array function that fills a series of arrays (structure attribute arrays) with the structure of the database file currently open, one element in each array per field. AFIELDS() works like ADIR(), filling a series of existing arrays with information. To use AFIELDS(), you must first create the arrays to hold the database structure information, each with the same number of elements as the number of fields (i.e. FCOUNT()). Once the structure attribute arrays are created, you can then invoke AFIELDS() to fill the structure arrays with information about each field.

By default, AFIELDS() operates on the currently selected work area. It can operate on an unselected work area if you specify it within an aliased expression (see example below).

AFIELDS() is a compatibility function and therefore is not recommended. It is superseded by DBSTRUCT(), which does not require the existence of any arrays prior to invocation and returns a multidimensional array containing the current database file structure.

Function ALIAS()

 ALIAS([<nWorkArea>]) --> cAlias

ALIAS() is a database function that determines the alias of a specified work area. An alias is the name assigned to a work area when a database file is USEd. The actual name assigned is either the name of the database file, or a name explicitly assigned with the ALIAS clause of the USE command.

ALIAS() is the inverse of the SELECT() function. ALIAS() returns the alias name given the work area number, and SELECT() returns the work area number given the alias name.

This example returns the name of the previously selected work area:

USE File1 NEW ALIAS Test1 nOldArea := SELECT() USE File2 NEW ALIAS Test2 ? ALIAS( nOldArea ) // Returns Test1

Function BOF()

 BOF() --> lBoundary

BOF() is a database function used to test for a boundary condition when you are moving the record pointer backward through a database file using the SKIP command. A simple usage example is a descending order record list with an ascending order index file. A more sophisticated example is a screen paging routine that pages forward or backward through the current database file based on the key the user presses. When the user attempts to page backward, you would use BOF() to test for a beginning of file condition before using the SKIP command to move the record pointer and repaint the screen.

Once BOF() is set to true (.T.), it retains its value until there is another attempt to move the record pointer.

By default, BOF() operates on the currently selected work area. It can be made to operate on an unselected work area by specifying it within an aliased expression (see example below).

The SKIP command is the only record movement command that can set BOF() to true (.T.).

Function BROWSE()

 BROWSE([<nTop>], [<nLeft>], [<nBottom>], [<nRight>]) --> lSuccess

BROWSE() is a user interface function that invokes a general purpose table-oriented browser and editor for records in the current work area. For a list of the navigation keys which are used by BROWSE(), refer to the DBEDIT() function. Note that Browse() is a compatibility function. DBEDIT() should be used in its place. For a more complicated BROWSE(), TBROWSE() should be used.

Function DBAPPEND()

 DBAPPEND([<lReleaseRecLocks>]) --> NIL

DBAPPEND() is a database function that lets you add records to the current database. The enhancement to this function lets you maintain multiple record locks during an append.

DBAPPEND() without a parameter as in earlier versions of xClipper, clears all pending record locks prior to an append. This is the same as DBAPPEND(.T.).



DBCLEARFILTER() clears the logical filter condition, if any, for the current work area.

DBCLEARFILTER() performs the same function as the standard SET FILTER command with no expression specified. For more information, refer to the SET FILTER command.



DBCLEARINDEX() closes any active indexes for the current work area. Any pending index updates are written and the index files are closed.

DBCLEARINDEX() performs the same function as the standard SET INDEX command with no indexes specified. For more information, refer to the SET INDEX command.



DBCLEARRELATION() clears any active relations for the current work area.

DBCLEARRELATION() performs the same function as the standard SET RELATION TO command with no clauses specified. For more information, refer to the SET RELATION command.



DBCLOSEALL() releases all occupied work areas from use. It is equivalent to calling DBCLOSEAREA() on every occupied work area. DBCLOSEALL() has the same effect as the standard CLOSE DATABASES command. For more information, refer to the USE and CLOSE commands.



DBCLOSEAREA() releases the current work area from use. Pending updates are written, pending locks are released, and any resources associated with the work area are closed or released. DBCLOSEAREA() is equivalent to the standard CLOSE command or the USE command with no clauses. For more information, refer to the USE and CLOSE commands.

Function DBCOMMIT()


DBCOMMIT() causes all updates to the current work area to be written to disk. All updated database and index buffers are written to DOS and a DOS COMMIT request is issued for the database (.dbf) file and any index files associated with the work area.

DBCOMMIT() performs the same function as the standard COMMIT command except that it operates only on the current work area. For more information, refer to the COMMIT command.



DBCOMMITALL() causes all pending updates to all work areas to be written to disk. It is equivalent to calling DBCOMMIT() for every occupied work area.

For more information, refer to DBCOMMIT() and the COMMIT command.

Function DBCREATE()

 DBCREATE(<cDatabase>, <aStruct>,[<cDriver>]) --> NIL

DBCREATE() is a database function that creates a database file from an array containing the structure of the file. You may create the array programmatically or by using DBSTRUCT(). DBCREATE() is similar to the CREATE FROM command which creates a new database file structure from a structure extended file. Use CREATE or COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED commands to create a structure extended file.

Before using DBCREATE(), you must first create the <aStruct> array and fill it with the field definition arrays according to the structure in Field Definition Subarray table (above). There are some specific rules for creating a field definition array, including:

Specify all field attributes with a value of the proper data type for the attribute. The decimals attribute must be specified-- even for non-numeric fields. If the field does not have a decimals attribute, specify zero.

Specify the type attribute using the first letter of the data type as a minimum. Use longer and more descriptive terms for readability. For example, both "C" and "Character" can be specified as the type attribute for character fields.

In xClipper, character fields contain up to 64,000 characters. Unlike the CREATE FROM command, DBCREATE() does not use the decimals attribute to specify the high-order part of the field length. Specify the field length directly, regardless of its magnitude.

To make references to the various elements of the field definition subarray more readable, the header file called is supplied. It contains the #defines to assign a name to the array position for each field attribute. It is located in \include.


 DBCREATEINDEX(<cIndexName>, <cKeyExpr>,
 [<bKeyExpr>], [<lUnique>]) --> NIL

DBCREATEINDEX() creates an index for the database (.dbf) file associated with the current work area. If the work area has active indexes, they are closed. After the new index is created, it becomes the controlling index for the work area and is positioned to the first logical record.

DBCREATEINDEX() performs the same function as the standard INDEX command. For more information, refer to the INDEX command.

Function DBDELETE()


DBDELETE() marks the current record as deleted. Records marked for deletion can be filtered using SET DELETED or removed from the file using the PACK command.

DBDELETE() performs the same function as the standard DELETE command with a scope of the current record. For more information, refer to the DELETE command.

Function DBEDIT()

 DBEDIT([<nTop>], [<nLeft>],
 [<nBottom>], <nRight>],
 [<acColumnSayPictures> | <cColumnSayPicture>],
 [<acColumnHeaders> | <cColumnHeader>],
 [<acHeadingSeparators> | <cHeadingSeparator>],
 [<acColumnSeparators> | <cColumnSeparator>],
 [<acFootingSeparators> | <cFootingSeparator>],
 [<acColumnFootings> | <cColumnFooting>]) --> NIL

DBEDIT() is a user interface and compatibility function that displays records from one or more work areas in a table form. The DBEDIT() window display is a grid of cells divided into columns and rows. Columns correspond to database fields and rows correspond to database records. Each column is defined by an element of the <acColumns> array. The display width of each column is determined by the evaluation of the column expression in <acColumns> array or the column picture specified in the <acColumnSayPictures> array.

All cursor movement keys are handled within DBEDIT(), including Page up, Page down, Home, End, the four arrow keys, and all Ctrl key combinations that produce cursor movement. The navigation keys that DBEDIT() responds to when a user function argument is not specified are listed in the Active Keys table below:

DBEDIT() Active Keys
 Key                 Action
 Up arrow            Up one row
 Down arrow          Down one row
 Left arrow          Column left
 Right arrow         Column right
 Ctrl+Left arrow     Pan left one column
 Ctrl+Right arrow    Pan right one column
 Home                Leftmost current screen column
 End                 Rightmost current screen column
 Ctrl+Home           Leftmost column
 Ctrl+End            Rightmost column
 PgUp                Previous screen
 PgDn                Next screen
 Ctrl+PgUp           First row of current column
 Ctrl+PgDn           Last row of current column
 Return              Terminate DBEDIT()
 Esc                 Terminate DBEDIT()

When the user function argument (<cUserFunction>) is specified, all keys indicated in the Active Keys table are active with the exception of Esc and Return. When DBEDIT() calls the user function, it automatically passes two arguments:

The current mode passed as a numeric value

The index of the current column in <acColumns> passed as a numeric value

The mode parameter indicates the current state of DBEDIT() depending on the last key executed. The possible mode values are listed in the DBEDIT() Modes table below:

DBEDIT() Modes
 Status      Description
 0       DE_IDLE        Idle, any cursor movement keystrokes have been
 handled and no keystrokes are pending
 1       DE_HITTOP      Attempt to cursor past top of file
 2       DE_HITBOTTOM   Attempt to cursor past bottom of file
 3       DE_EMPTY       No records in work area
 4       DE_EXCEPT      Key exception

The index parameter points to the position of the current column definition in the <acColumns> array. If <acColumns> is not specified, the index parameter points to the position of the field in the current database structure. Access the field name using FIELD().

A user-defined function must return a value that indicates to DBEDIT() the action to perform. The User Function Return Values table below lists the possible return values and the corresponding actions:

DBEDIT() User Function Return Values
 Value      Description
 0       DE_ABORT       Abort DBEDIT()
 1       DE_CONT        Continue DBEDIT()
 2       DE_REFRESH     Force reread/repaint and continue; after repaint,
 process keys and go to idle

A number of instances affect calls to the user function:

A key exception occurs. This happens when DBEDIT() fetches a keystroke that it does not recognize from the keyboard. Any pending keys remain in the keyboard buffer until fetched within the user function or until DBEDIT() continues.

DBEDIT() enters the idle mode (i.e., all pending keys have been processed). This happens when the keyboard is empty or after a screen refresh. In this instance, there is one call to the user function and then DBEDIT() waits for a key.

Beginning or end of file is encountered. This is the same as idle. All executable keys are performed, and there is one call to the user function with the appropriate status message.

Note that when DBEDIT() is first executed, all keys pending in the keyboard buffer are executed and then DBEDIT() enters the idle mode with a user function call. If no keys are pending, the idle mode is immediate.

The user function should handle all modes and status messages received from DBEDIT().

A user-defined function must ensure that the DBEDIT() status is equivalent to DE_EXCEPT (4); otherwise, the value of LASTKEY() is meaningless and a Return value of DE_REFRESH (2) will place the application into an endless loop. For example:

FUNCTION DBEditFunc ( nMode, nColumnPos ) LOCAL RetVal := DE_CONT


DBEDIT() is fully re-entrant, which means you can make nested calls to it. Using this feature, you can have multiple browse windows on the screen at the same time.

DBEDIT() is a compatibility function and, therefore, no longer recommended as a programmable browse facility. As such, it is superseded by the TBrowse object class. For more information, refer to TBrowse class in this chapter.


, <nLeft>, <nBottom>, and <nRight> define the upper-left and lower-right coordinates of the DBEDIT() window. Row values can range from zero to MAXROW() and column positions can range from zero to MAXCOL(). If not specified, the default coordinates are 0, 0, MAXROW(), and MAXCOL().


is an array of character expressions containing database field names or expressions to use as column values for each row displayed. If this argument is not specified, DBEDIT() displays all fields in the current work area as columns.


is the name of a user-defined function that executes when an unrecognizable key is pressed or there are no keys pending in the keyboard buffer. Specify the function name as a character expression without parentheses or arguments. Note that the behavior of DBEDIT() is affected by the presence of this argument. Refer to the discussion below for more information.


is a parallel array of picture clauses to format each column. Specifying <cColumnSayPicture> instead of an array displays all columns with the same format. Refer to TRANSFORM() or @...SAY for more information on pictures.


is a parallel array of character expressions that define the headings for each column. Specifying <cColumnHeader> gives the same heading for all columns. To display a multi-line heading, embed a semicolon in the heading expression where you want the string to break. If not specified, column headings are taken from the <acColumns> array or the field names in the current work area, if the <acColumns> argument is not specified.


is a parallel array of character expressions that define the characters used to draw horizontal lines separating column headings from the field display area. Specifying


instead of an array uses the same heading separator for all columns. If this argument is not specified, the default separator is a double graphics line.


is a parallel array of character expressions that define the characters used to draw vertical lines separating the columns. Specifying <cColumnSeparator> instead of an array uses the same separator for all columns. If this argument is not specified, the default separator is a single graphics line.


is a parallel array of character expressions that define the characters used to draw horizontal lines separating column footings from the field display area. Specifying


instead of an array uses the same footing separator for all columns. If this argument is not specified, there is no footing separator.


is a parallel array of character expressions that define footings for each column. Specifying <cColumnFooting> instead of an array gives the same footing for all columns. To display a multi- line footing, embed a semicolon in the footing expression where you want the string to break. If this argument is not specified, there are no column footings.

Returns :

DBEDIT() always returns NIL.


Example :

 This example demonstrates a generic call to DBEDIT():
 USE Names NEW
 This example demonstrates calling DBEDIT() with a user
 #include ""
 #include ""
 // Array must be visible to other user-defined programs in
 // program
 STATIC acColumns := {}
 USE Names NEW
 INDEX ON Names->Lastname + Names->FirstName TO Names
 acColumns := { "LastName", "FirstName" }
 DBEDIT( 5, 5, 20, 70, acColumns, "UserFunc" )
 FUNCTION UserFunc( nMode, nCol )
 LOCAL nRetVal := DE_CONT         // Default return value
 CASE nMode == DE_IDLE
 nRetVal := IdleFunc()
 TONE( 100, 3 )
 TONE( 100, 3 )
 nRetVal := AppendFunc( nKey )
 nRetVal := EmptyFunc()
 nRetVal := ExceptFunc( nKey, nCol )
 TONE( 100, 3 )
 FUNCTION AppendFunc( nKey )
 LOCAL nRetVal := DE_CONT         // Default return value
 IF nKey == K_DOWN                  // If DOWN ARROW
 APPEND BLANK                  // Append blank record
 // Note: The appended record will appear at the top of the
 //       DBEDIT() screen when the database file is indexed.
 nRetVal := DE_REFRESH         // Refresh screen
 FUNCTION ExceptFunc( nKey, nCol )
 LOCAL nRetVal := DE_CONT         // Default return value
 CASE nKey == K_ESC                  // If ESCAPE
 nRetVal := DE_ABORT               // Exit
 CASE nKey == K_RETURN               // If RETURN
 nRetVal := EditFunc( nCol )      // Function to edit
 // field
 // Toggle DELETED status
 CASE nKey == K_DEL .AND. LASTREC() != 0  // DELETE pressed
 TONE( 100, 1 )
 FUNCTION EditFunc( nCol )
 LOCAL cIndexVal         // Value of current key expression
 LOCAL nRetVal            // Return value
 LOCAL nField            // Position of current field
 LOCAL cFieldVal         // Value of current field
 LOCAL nCursSave         // Preserve state of cursor
 // This will return an error if no index is open
 cIndexVal := &amp;( INDEXKEY(0) )
 nField := FIELDPOS( acColumns[nCol] )
 IF nField != 0
 nCursSave := SETCURSOR()         // Save state of cursor
 SETCURSOR(1)                     // Change cursor shape
 cFieldVal := FIELDGET( nField )         // Save contents
 // of field
 @ ROW(), COL() GET cFieldVal            // GET new value
 FIELDPUT( nField, cFieldVal )            // REPLACE with
 // new value
 SETCURSOR( nCursSave )                  // Restore cursor
 // shape
 IF cIndexVal != &amp;( INDEXKEY(0) )         // If key expression
 // changed
 nRequest := DE_REFRESH               // Refresh screen
 ELSE                                    // Otherwise
 nRequest := DE_CONT                  // Continue
 RETURN nRequest
 FUNCTION IdleFunc()
 // Idle routine
 FUNCTION EmptyFunc()
 // Empty Records routine

Function DBEVAL()

 [<nRecord>],[<lRest>]) --> NIL

DBEVAL() is a database function that evaluates a single block for each record within the current work area that matches a specified scope and/or condition. On each iteration, DBEVAL() evaluates the specified block. All records within the scope or matching the condition are processed until the end of file is reached.

By default, DBEVAL() operates on the currently selected work area. It will operate on an unselected work area if you specify it as part of an aliased expression.

DBEVAL() is similar to AEVAL() which applies a block to each element in an array. Like AEVAL(), DBEVAL() can be used as a primitive for the construction of user-defined commands that process database files. In fact, many of the standard xClipper database processing commands are created using DBEVAL().

Refer to the Code Blocks section in the "Basic Concepts" chapter of the Programming and Utilities Guide for more information on the syntax and theory of code blocks; and refer also to the Database System section in the same chapter for information on record scoping and conditions. Also refer to the xClipper standard header file,, found in \include for examples of xClipper database command definitions that use DBEVAL().

Function DBF()

 DBF() --> cAlias

DBF() is a compatibility function that replicates the DBF() function in xBASE. xClipper implements it by invoking the ALIAS() function without an argument.

DBF() is a compatibility function and, therefore, no longer recommended. It is superseded entirely by the ALIAS() function.

Function DBFILTER()

 DBFILTER() --> cFilter

DBFILTER() is a database function used to save and re-execute an active filter by returning the filter expression as a character string that can be later recompiled and executed using the macro operator (&). This function operates like the DBRELATION() and DBRSELECT() functions which save and re-execute the linking expression of a relation within a work area.

Since each work area can have an active filter, DBFILTER() can return the filter expression of any work area. This is done by referring to DBFILTER() within an aliased expression as demonstrated below.



DBGOBOTTOM() moves to the last logical record in the current work area.

DBGOBOTTOM() performs the same function as the standard GO BOTTOM command. For more information, refer to the GO command.

Function DBGOTO()

 DBGOTO(<xIdentity>) --> NIL

DBGOTO() is a database function that positions the record pointer in the current work area at the specified <xIdentity>. In an Xbase data structure, this identity is the record number because every record, even an empty record, has a record number. In non-Xbase data structures, identity may be defined as something other than record number.

Function DBGOTOP()


DBGOTOP() moves to the first logical record in the current work area.

DBGOTOP() performs the same function as the standard GO TOP command. For more information, refer to the GO TOP command.

Function DBRECALL()


DBRECALL() causes the current record to be reinstated if it is marked for deletion.

DBRECALL() performs the same function as the RECALL command. For more information, refer to the DELETE and RECALL commands.

Function DBREINDEX()


DBREINDEX() rebuilds all active indexes associated with the current work area. After the indexes are recreated, the work area is moved to the first logical record in the controlling order.

DBREINDEX() performs the same function as the standard REINDEX command. For more information, refer to the REINDEX command.


 DBRELATION(<nRelation>) --> cLinkExp

DBRELATION() is a database function used with DBRSELECT() to determine the linking expression and work area of an existing relation created with the SET RELATION command.

DBRELATION() returns the linking expression defined by the TO clause. DBRSELECT() returns the work area linked as defined by the INTO clause.

By default, DBRELATION() operates on the currently selected work area. It will operate on an unselected work area if you specify it as part of an aliased expression (see example below).

Function DBRSELECT()

 DBRSELECT(<nRelation>) --> nWorkArea

DBRSELECT() is a database function used in combination with DBRELATION() to determine the work area and linking expression of an existing relation created with the SET RELATION command. DBRSELECT() returns the work area defined by the INTO clause. DBRELATION() returns the linking expression defined by the TO clause. To determine the alias of the relation instead of the work area number, use the expression ALIAS(DBRSELECT(<nRelation>)).

By default, DBRSELECT() operates on the currently selected work area. It will operate on an unselected work area if you specify it as part of an aliased expression (see example below).

Function DBSEEK()

 DBSEEK(<expKey>, [<lSoftSeek>], [<lLast>]) --> lFound

DBSEEK() moves to the first logical record whose key value is equal to <expKey>. If such a record is found, it becomes the current record and DBSEEK() returns true (.T.); otherwise, it returns false (.F.). the positioning of the work area is as follows: for a normal (not soft) seek, the work area is positioned to LASTREC() + 1 and EOF() returns true (.T.); for a soft seek, the work area is positioned to the first record whose key value is greater than the specified key value. If no such record exists, the work area is positioned to LASTREC() + 1 and EOF() returns true (.T.).

For a work area with no active indexes, DBSEEK() has no effect.

DBSEEK() performs the same function as the standard SEEK command. For more information, refer to the SEEK command.


 DBSELECTAREA(<nArea> | <cAlias>) --> NIL

DBSELECTAREA() causes the specified work area to become the current work area. All subsequent database operations will apply to this work area unless another work area is explicitly specified for an operation. DBSELECTAREA() performs the same function as the standard SELECT command. For more information, refer to the SELECT command.


 DBSETDRIVER([<cDriver>]) --> cCurrentDriver

DBSETDRIVER() sets the database driver to be used when activating new work areas without specifying a driver. If the specified driver is not available to the application, the call has no effect. DBSETDRIVER() returns the name of the current default driver, if any.


 DBSETFILTER(<bCondition>, [<cCondition>]) --> NIL

DBSETFILTER() sets a logical filter condition for the current work area. When a filter is set, records which do not meet the filter condition are not logically visible. That is, database operations which act on logical records will not consider these records.

The filter expression supplied to DBSETFILTER() evaluates to true (.T.) if the current record meets the filter condition; otherwise, it should evaluate to false (.F.).

The filter expression may be a code block (<bCondition>) or both a code block and equivalent text (<cCondition>). If both versions are supplied, they must express the same condition. If the text version is omitted, DBFILTER() will return an empty string for the work area.

DBSETFILTER() performs the same function as the standard SET FILTER command. For more information, refer to the SET FILTER command.


 DBSETINDEX(<cOrderBagName>) --> NIL

DBSETINDEX() is a database function that adds the contents of an order bag into the order list of the current work area. Any orders already associated with the work area continue to be active. If the newly opened order bag is the only order associated with the work area, it becomes the controlling order; otherwise, the controlling order remains unchanged. If the order bag contains more than one order, and there are no other orders associated with the work area, the first order in the new order bag becomes the controlling order.

Note: DBSETINDEX() does not close all currently open index files.

DBSETINDEX() is a compatibility command and therefore is not recommended. It is superseded by the ORDLISTADD() function.


 DBSETORDER(<nOrderNum>) --> NIL

DBSETORDER() controls which of the current work area's active indexes is the controlling index. The controlling index is the index which determines the logical order of records in the work area.

Active indexes are numbered from 1 to the number of active indexes, based on the order in which the indexes were opened. <nOrderNum> specifies the number of the desired index.

DBSETORDER() performs the same function as the standard SET ORDER command. For more information, refer to the SET ORDER command.


 DBSETRELATION(<nArea> | <cAlias>, <bExpr>, <cExpr>) --> NIL

DBSETRELATION() relates the work area specified by <nArea> or <cAlias> (the child work area) to the current work area (the parent work area). Any existing relations remain active.

Relating work areas synchronizes the child work area with the parent work area. This is achieved by automatically repositioning the child work area whenever the parent work area moves to a new record. If there is an active index in the child work area, moving the parent work area causes an automatic SEEK operation in the child work area; the seek key is based on the expression specified by <bExpr> and/or <cExpr>. If the child work area has no active index, moving the parent work area causes an automatic GOTO in the child work area; the record number for the GOTO is based on the expression specified by <bExpr> and/or <cExpr>.

The relational expression may be a code block (<bExpr>) or both a code block and equivalent text (<cExpr>). If both versions are supplied, they must be equivalent. If the text version is omitted, DBRELATION() will return an empty string for the relation.

DBSETRELATION() performs the same function as the standard SET RELATION command with the ADDITIVE clause. For more information, refer to the SET RELATION command.

Function DBSKIP()

 DBSKIP([<nRecords>]) --> NIL

DBSKIP() moves either forward or backward relative to the current record. Attempting to skip forward beyond the last record positions the work area to LASTREC() + 1 and EOF() returns true (.T.). Attempting to skip backward beyond the first record positions the work area to the first record and BOF() returns true (.T.).

DBSKIP() performs the same function as the standard SKIP command. For more information, refer to the SKIP command.

Function DBSTRUCT()

 DBSTRUCT() --> aStruct

DBSTRUCT() is a database function that operates like COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED by creating an array of structure information rather than a database file of structure information. There is another function, DBCREATE(), that can create a database file from the structure array.

By default, DBSTRUCT() operates on the currently selected work area. It will operate on an unselected work area if you specify it as part of an aliased expression as shown below.

Note, a header file,, located in \include contains a series of manifest constants for each field attribute.

Function DBUNLOCK()


DBUNLOCK() releases any record or file locks obtained by the current process for the current work area. DBUNLOCK() is only meaningful on a shared database in a network environment.

DBUNLOCK() performs the same function as the standard UNLOCK command. For more information, refer to the UNLOCK command.



DBUNLOCKALL() releases any record or file locks obtained by the current process for any work area. DBUNLOCKALL() is only meaningful on a shared database in a network environment. It is equivalent to calling DBUNLOCK() on every occupied work area.

DBUNLOCKALL() performs the same function as the UNLOCK ALL command. For more information, refer to the UNLOCK ALL command.

Function DBUSEAREA()

 DBUSEAREA( [<lNewArea>], [<cDriver>], <cName>, [<xcAlias>],
 [<lShared>], [<lReadonly>]) --> NIL

DBUSEAREA() associates the specified database (.dbf) file with the current work area. It performs the same function as the standard USE command. For more information, refer to the USE command.


is an optional logical value. A value of true (.T.) selects the lowest numbered unoccupied work area as the current work area before the use operation. If <lNewArea> is false (.F.) or omitted, the current work area is used; if the work area is occupied, it is closed first.


is an optional character value. If present, it specifies the name of the database driver which will service the work area. If


is omitted, the current default driver is used (see note below).


specifies the name of the database (.dbf) file to be opened.


is an optional character value. If present, it specifies the alias to be associated with the work area. The alias must constitute a valid xClipper identifier. A valid <xcAlias> may be any legal identifier (i.e., it must begin with an alphabetic character and may contain numeric or alphabetic characters and the underscore). Within a single application, xClipper will not accept duplicate aliases. If <xcAlias> is omitted, a default alias is constructed from




is an optional logical value. If present, it specifies whether the database (.dbf) file should be accessible to other processes on a network. A value of true (.T.) specifies that other processes should be allowed access; a value of false (.F.) specifies that the current process is to have exclusive access. If <lShared> is omitted, the current global _SET_EXCLUSIVE setting determines whether shared access is allowed.


is an optional logical value that specifies whether updates to the work area are prohibited. A value of true (.T.) prohibits updates; a value of false (.F.) permits updates. A value of true (.T.) also permits read-only access to the specified database (.dbf) file. If <lReadonly> is omitted, the default value is false (.F.).

Returns :

DBUSEAREA() always returns NIL.


Function DELETED()

 DELETED() --> lDeleted

DELETED() is a database function that determines if the current record in the active work area is marked for deletion. Since each work area with an open database file can have a current record, each work area has its own DELETED() value.

By default, DELETED() operates on the currently selected work area. It will operate on an unselected work area if you specify it as part of an aliased expression (see example below).

In applications, DELETED() is generally used to query the deleted status as a part of record processing conditions, or to display the deleted status as a part of screens and reports.

Function DESCEND()

 DESCEND(<exp>) --> ValueInverted

DESCEND() is a conversion function that returns the inverted form of the specified expression to be used with INDEX to create descending order indexes. Specify that part of the index expression you want to be descending as the DESCEND() argument. To subsequently perform a lookup with SEEK, specify DESCEND() in the search expression.

Function EOF()

 EOF() --> lBoundary

EOF() is a database function used to test for an end of file boundary condition when the record pointer is moving forward through a database file. Any command that can move the record pointer can set EOF().

The most typical application is as a part of the <lCondition> argument of a DO WHILE construct that sequentially processes records in a database file. Here <lCondition> would include a test for .NOT. EOF(), forcing the DO WHILE loop to terminate when EOF() returns true (.T.).

EOF() and FOUND() are often used interchangeably to test whether a SEEK, FIND, or LOCATE command failed. With these commands, however, FOUND() is preferred.

When EOF() returns true (.T.), the record pointer is positioned at LASTREC() + 1 regardless of whether there is an active SET FILTER or SET DELETED is ON. Further attempts to move the record pointer forward return the same result without error. Once EOF() is set to true (.T.), it retains its value until there is another attempt to move the record pointer.

By default, EOF() operates on the currently selected work area. It can be made to operate on an unselected work area by specifying it within an aliased expression (see example below).

Function FCOUNT()

 FCOUNT() --> nFields

FCOUNT() is a database function. It is useful in applications containing data-independent programs that can operate on any database file. These include generalized import/export and reporting programs. Typically, you use FCOUNT() to establish the upper limit of a FOR...NEXT or DO WHILE loop that processes a single field at a time.

By default, FCOUNT() operates on the currently selected work area.

Function FIELDGET()

 FIELDGET(<nField>) --> ValueField

FIELDGET() is a database function that retrieves the value of a field using its position within the database file structure rather than its field name. Within generic database service functions this allows, among other things the retrieval of field values without use of the macro operator.

Function FIELDNAME()

 FIELDNAME/FIELD(<nPosition>) --> cFieldName

FIELDNAME() is a database function that returns a field name using an index to the position of the field name in the database structure. Use it in data-independent applications where the field name is unknown. If information for more than one field is required, use AFIELDS() to create an array of field information or COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED to create a database of field information.

If you need additional database file structure information, use TYPE() and LEN(). To obtain the number of decimal places for a numeric field, use the following expression:

LEN(SUBSTR(STR(<idField>), RAT(".", ;

STR(<idField>)) + 1))

By default, FIELDNAME() operates on the currently selected work area as shown in the example below.

Function FIELDPOS()

 FIELDPOS(<cFieldName>) --> nFieldPos

FIELDPOS() is a database function that is the inverse of the FIELDNAME() function. FIELDPOS() is most often used with the FIELDPUT() and FIELDGET() functions.

FIELDPOS() return the names of fields in any unselected work area by referring to the function using an aliased expression. See the example below.

Function FIELDPUT()

 FIELDPUT(<nField>, <expAssign>) --> ValueAssigned

FIELDPUT() is a database function that assigns <expAssign> to the field at ordinal position <nField> in the current work area. This function allows you to set the value of a field using its position within the database file structure rather than its field name. Within generic database service functions this allows, among other things, the setting of field values without use of the macro operator.

Function FLOCK()

 FLOCK() --> lSuccess

FLOCK() is a database function used in network environments to lock an open and shared database file, preventing other users from updating the file until the lock is released. Records in the locked file are accessible for read-only operations.

FLOCK() is related to USE...EXCLUSIVE and RLOCK(). USE...EXCLUSIVE opens a database file so that no other user can open the same file at the same time and is the most restrictive locking mechanism in xClipper. RLOCK() is the least restrictive and attempts to place an update lock on a shared record, precluding other users from updating the current record. FLOCK() falls in the middle.

FLOCK() is used for operations that access the entire database file. Typically, these are commands that update the file with a scope or a condition such as DELETE or REPLACE ALL. The following is a list of such commands:

Commands that require an FLOCK()
 Command                       Mode
 APPEND FROM                   FLOCK() or USE...EXCLUSIVE
 DELETE (multiple records)     FLOCK() or USE...EXCLUSIVE
 RECALL (multiple records)     FLOCK() or USE...EXCLUSIVE
 REPLACE (multiple records)    FLOCK() or USE...EXCLUSIVE
 UPDATE ON                     FLOCK() or USE...EXCLUSIVE

For each invocation of FLOCK(), there is one attempt to lock the database file, and the result is returned as a logical value. A file lock fails if another user currently has a file or record lock for the same database file or EXCLUSIVE USE of the database file. If FLOCK() is successful, the file lock remains in place until you UNLOCK, CLOSE the DATABASE, or RLOCK().

By default, FLOCK() operates on the currently selected work area as shown in the example below.

Function FOUND()

 FOUND() --> lSuccess

FOUND() is a database function that determines whether a search operation (i.e., FIND, LOCATE, CONTINUE, SEEK, or SET RELATION) succeeded. When any of these commands are executed, FOUND() is set to true (.T.) if there is a match; otherwise, it is set to false (.F.).

If the search command is LOCATE or CONTINUE, a match is the next record meeting the scope and condition. If the search command is FIND, SEEK or SET RELATION, a match is the first key in the controlling index that equals the search argument. If the key value equals the search argument, FOUND() is true (.T.); otherwise, it is false (.F.).

The value of FOUND() is retained until another record movement command is executed. Unless the command is another search command, FOUND() is automatically set to false (.F.).

Each work area has a FOUND() value. This means that if one work area has a RELATION set to a child work area, querying FOUND() in the child returns true (.T.) if there is a match.

By default, FOUND() operates on the currently selected work area. It can be made to operate on an unselected work area by specifying it within an aliased expression (see example below).

FOUND() will return false (.F.) if there is no database open in the current work area.

Function HEADER()

 HEADER() --> nBytes

HEADER() is a database function that is used with LASTREC(), RECSIZE(), and DISKSPACE() to create procedures for backing up files.

By default, HEADER() operates on the currently selected work area. It will operate on an unselected work area if you specify it as part of an aliased expression (see example below).

Function INDEXEXT()

 INDEXEXT() --> cExtension

INDEXEXT() returns the default index file extension by determining which database driver is currently linked. Note that it is preferable to use ORDBAGEXT() than INDEXEXT().

Function INDEXKEY()

 INDEXKEY(<nOrder>) --> cKeyExp

INDEXKEY() is a database function that determines the key expression of a specified index in the current work area and returns it as a character string. To evaluate the key expression, specify INDEXKEY() as a macro expression like this: &(INDEXKEY(<nOrder>)).

INDEXKEY() has a number of applications, but two specific instances are important. Using INDEXKEY(), you can TOTAL on the key expression of the controlling index without having to specify the key expression in the source code. The other instance occurs within a DBEDIT() user function. Here, you may want to determine whether or not to update the screen after the user has edited a record. Generally, it is only necessary to update the screen if the key expression of the controlling index has changed for the current record. Both of these examples are illustrated below.

By default, INDEXKEY() operates on the currently selected work area. It can be made to operate on an unselected work area by specifying it within an aliased expression (see example below).

Example :

 This example accesses the key expression of open indexes in
 the current work area:
 #define ORD_NATURAL      0
 #define ORD_NAME         1
 #define ORD_SERIAL      2
 USE Customer INDEX Name, Serial NEW
 ? INDEXKEY(ORD_NAME)         // Result: Name index exp
 ? INDEXKEY(ORD_SERIAL)      // Result: Serial index exp
 ? INDEXKEY(ORD_NATURAL)      // Result: Serial index exp
 This example accesses the key expression of the controlling
 index in an unselected work area:
 USE Customer INDEX Name, Serial NEW
 USE Sales INDEX Salesman NEW
 ? INDEXKEY(0), Customer->(INDEXKEY(0))
 This example uses INDEXKEY() as part of a TOTAL ON key
 expression.  Notice that INDEXKEY() is specified using a macro
 expression to force evaluation of the expression:
 USE Sales INDEX Salesman NEW
 TOTAL ON &amp;(INDEXKEY(0)) FIELDS SaleAmount TO ;
 This example uses INDEXKEY() to determine whether the DBEDIT()
 screen should be updated after the user has edited the current field
 value.  Generally, you must update the DBEDIT() screen if the user
 changes a field that is part of the controlling index key.
 FieldEdit() is a user-defined function called from a DBEDIT() user
 function to edit the current field if the user has pressed an edit
 #include ""
 #define ORD_NATURAL   0
 FUNCTION FieldEdit()
 LOCAL indexVal
 // Save current key expression and value
 indexVal = &amp;(INDEXKEY(ORD_NATURAL))
 . <code to GET current field value>
 // Refresh screen if key value has changed
 IF indexVal != &amp;(INDEXKEY(ORD_NATURAL))
 nRequest = DE_REFRESH
 nRequest = DE_CONT
 RETURN nRequest

Function INDEXORD()

 INDEXORD() --> nOrder

INDEXORD() is a database function that determines the position of the controlling index in the list of index files opened by the last USE...INDEX or SET INDEX TO in the current work area. It is often useful to save the last controlling index so it can be restored later.

By default, INDEXORD() operates on the currently selected work area. It will operate on an unselected work area if you specify it as part of an aliased expression (see example below).

Function LASTREC()

 LASTREC() | RECCOUNT()* --> nRecords

LASTREC() is a database function that determines the number of physical records in the current database file. LASTREC() is identical to RECCOUNT() which is supplied as a compatibility function.

By default, LASTREC() operates on the currently selected work area. It will operate on an unselected work area if you specify it as part of an aliased expression (see example below).

Note: Although the functionality of RECNO() has been expanded to encompass the concept of "identity," the LASTREC() function continues to return only record numbers--not identities. LASTREC() has no expanded functionality, so it is not "identity-aware."

Function LUPDATE()

 LUPDATE() --> dModification

LUPDATE() is a database function that determines the date the database file in the current work area was last modified and CLOSEd. By default, LUPDATE() operates on the currently selected work area. It will operate on an unselected work area if you specify it as part of an aliased expression, as shown in the example below.

Function ORDBAGEXT()

 ORDBAGEXT() --> cBagExt

ORDBAGEXT() is an order management function that returns a character expression that is the default order bag extension of the current or aliased work area. cBagExt is determined by the RDD active in the current work area.


 ORDBAGNAME(<nOrder> | <cOrderName>) --> cOrderBagName

ORDBAGNAME() is an order management function that lets you access the name of the order bag in which <cOrderName> resides. You may identify the order as a character string or with an integer that represents its position in the order list. In case of duplicate names, ORDBAGNAME() only recognizes the first matching name.



 ORDLISTADD(<cOrderBagName> [, <cOrderName>]) --> NIL

ORDLISTADD() is an order management function that adds the contents of an order bag, or a single order in an order bag, to the order list. This function lets you extend the order list without issuing a SET INDEX command that, first, clears all the active orders from the order list.

Any orders already associated with the work area continue to be active. If the newly opened order bag contains the only order associated with the work area, it becomes the controlling order; otherwise, the controlling order remains unchanged.

After the new orders are opened, the work area is positioned to the first logical record in the controlling order.

ORDLISTADD() is similar to the SET INDEX command or the INDEX clause of the USE command, except that it does not clear the order list prior to adding the new order(s).

ORDLISTADD() supersedes the DBSETINDEX() function.

The active RDD determines the order capacity of an order bag. The default DBFNTX and the DBFNDX drivers only support single-order bags, while other RDDs may support multiple-order bags (e.g., the DBFCDX driver). When using RDDs that support multiple-order bags, you must explicitly SET ORDER (or ORDSETFOCUS()) to the desired controlling order. If you do not specify a controlling order, the data file will be viewed in first order.

Function RECCOUNT()

 RECCOUNT() | LASTREC() --> nRecords

RECCOUNT() is a database function that is a synonym for LASTREC(). By default, RECCOUNT() operates on the currently selected work area. It will operate on an unselected work area if you specify it as part of an aliased expression (see example below). Note that RECCOUNT() is a compatibility function. LASTREC() should be used in its place.

Function RECNO()

 RECNO() --> Identity

RECNO() is a database function that returns the identity found at the current position of the record pointer. Identity is a unique value guaranteed by the structure of the data file to reference a specific record of a data file. The data file need not be a traditional Xbase file. Therefore, unlike earlier versions of xClipper, the value returned need not be a numeric data type.

Under all RDDs, RECNO() returns the value at the position of the record pointer; the data type and other characteristics of this value are determined by the content of the accessed data and the RDD active in the current work area. In an Xbase database this value is the record number.

Function RECSIZE()

 RECSIZE() --> nBytes

RECSIZE() is a database function that determines the length of a record by summing the lengths of each field then adding one for the DELETED() status flag. When this value is multiplied by LASTREC(), the product is the amount of space occupied by the file's records.

RECSIZE() is useful in programs that perform automatic file backup. When used in conjunction with DISKSPACE(), the RECSIZE() function can assist in ensuring that sufficient free space exists on the disk before a file is stored.

By default, RECSIZE() operates on the currently selected work area. It will operate on an unselected work area if you specify it as part of an aliased expression (see example below).

Function RLOCK()

 RLOCK() --> lSuccess

RLOCK() is a network function that locks the current record, preventing other users from updating the record until the lock is released. RLOCK() provides a shared lock, allowing other users read-only access to the locked record while allowing only the current user to modify it. A record lock remains until another record is locked, an UNLOCK is executed, the current database file is closed, or an FLOCK() is obtained on the current database file.

For each invocation of RLOCK(), there is one attempt to lock the current record, and the result is returned as a logical value. An attempt to obtain a record lock fails if another user currently has a file or record lock on that particular record, or EXCLUSIVE USE of the database file. An attempt to RLOCK() in an empty database returns true (.T.).

By default, RLOCK() operates on the currently selected work area. It will operate on an unselected work area if you specify it as part of an aliased expression (see example below). This feature is useful since RLOCK() does not automatically attempt a record lock for related files.

As a general rule, RLOCK() operates solely on the current record. This includes the following commands:


DELETE (single record)

RECALL (single record)

REPLACE (single record)

Refer to the "Network Programming" chapter in the Programming and Utilities Guide for more information.

Function SELECT()

 SELECT([<cAlias>]) --> nWorkArea

SELECT() is a database function that determines the work area number of an alias. The number returned can range from 0 to 250. If <cAlias> is not specified, the current work area number is returned. If <cAlias> is specified and the alias does not exist, SELECT() returns zero.

Note: The SELECT() function and SELECT command specified with an extended expression argument look somewhat alike. This should not be a problem since the SELECT() function is not very useful on a line by itself.

Function USED()

 USED() --> lDbfOpen

USED() is a database function that determines whether there is a database file in USE in a particular work area. By default, USED() operates on the currently selected work area. It will operate on an unselected work area if you specify it as part of an aliased expression.